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To the attention of students who will do internship within the scope of the Presidential Internship Mobilization Program

The intern list, which was created as a result of the evaluation of the students who applied within the scope of the Internship Mobilization Program carried out under the coordination of the Presidency, was made available to employers on April 27, 2021. The list of candidates will be available to employers until the end of December 2021 and students will continue to receive internship offers until this date.

YTU students who will do internship should pay attention to the following points:


·      Applications deemed appropriate as a result of the checks made according to the minimum requirements specified in the Career Gate Document Control Guide will be approved and viewed by the authorities of Public and Private Institutions on the Career Gate portal until 31 December 2021. Since workplaces may offer different internships to students until December 31, 2021, students who receive internship offers through the Career Gate portal should pay attention to the following issues during their meetings with workplaces:

·      Within the scope of the Presidency Internship Mobilization, students can do their compulsory internship at the workplaces where they receive internship offers, if the relevant internship commission deems it appropriate, or they can do their voluntary internship at these workplaces if they request it.

·      The date range for the internship must be in accordance with the “Internship Application Procedures and Principles of the Faculties”. For this reason, internship offers made by workplaces should be accepted if the date ranges and internship periods are suitable.

·      In order to carry out SGK transactions; In addition to the internship application documents prepared in accordance with the internship application procedures, a document (written by the employer of the workplace to be trained, stamped and signed, screen print is also valid) showing that they have been accepted to the internship within the scope of "Internship Mobilization" must be submitted to the relevant unit of the Faculty. 

·      In order for the SGK procedures to be carried out on time, the documents required for the internship application must be submitted to the relevant unit of the Faculty before starting the internship and within the period determined by the Faculty.

·      All responsibility arising from not submitting the required documents for the internship application on time and duly belongs to the student.


Yildiz Technical University

Health Culture Sports Department

Student Guidance and Career Center